Thursday, October 22, 2009


This blog is about to become VERY Paityn obsessed! For a few reasons, (1) So Elisa can follow her growth easily at the touch of a button, (2) because she is so stinkin' cute! and (3) I'm a mom now, so it is my right. So lets get right to the pictures, shall we?
Here we are at the hospital right after placement. What an emotional, bittersweet day!

Here is the blanket Elisa made for Paityn. It is so soft and snuggly. Paityn LOVES it!

We had to stay at the hospital for a long time (10 hours) before the pediatrician came to discharge Paityn. But, we were finally able to go home. YAY!

Here she is in her crib for the first time.

Here we are at night time. Yep, she is definitely awake! The first night, she slept really well (Me? not so much) but last night she was awake from 1:00 to 6:00! Now she is zonked, of course. We are going to try working on getting her days and nights turned around.

Here's Daddy doing his first feeding.

Here is Paityn after her sponge bath and hair washing. She seems to really like the water running over her head. Her hair looks curly after drying it!

Grandpa David with Paityn.

Aunt Cristin and Paityn.

All ready for the day!

All bundled and ready to go to the doctor! Those eyes make me think she is going to be very inquisitive! She seems to like her carseat (for now anyway).

Thank you to all those who have offered love and support. I really appreciate everything. We love Elisa so much, and for those of you who have been asking about her, Thank you. She is doing ok. It is definitely a very hard situation, but she is so strong. We will forever be indebted to her. I have already started telling Paityn how wonderful Elisa is. She seems to know.

Elisa, we want you to know how amazing, and self-less you are. We are so grateful to have you in our lives. We hope that you know how truly loved you are. I really have had family and friends ask about you. They love you and pray for you continually. I am so glad that you felt comfortable with coming to the showers and meeting my family and friends. They all tell me how in love with you they are. They know that you are a special girl, and love you for that.
We love you SOOO much! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!


  1. It's so selfless for someone to give up their child for someone else who is struggling to have one. I am so happy that you get the chance to be a mom!!

  2. I loved reading "I'm a mom now"!!! I am so happy for you guys!
    I don't know what it is like to not be able to have children. I don't know what it is like to adopt.
    But I do know what it is like to be a mom. No matter if we have the opportunity to give birth to the child, or to have someone give us that gift, children are miracles.
    You are a mom. Simply put, that is a gift. Enjoy it! Every minute! It goes by so fast! Soon you won't remember what life was without her, and it will seem like you weren't really livng until you experience everything with her for the first time!
    We love you guys so much! We can not wait to meet Paityn! She is beautiful.
    We are praying for Elisa. She is an angel. I can not imagine what she is going through. She sounds like a very strong girl. We hope she knows how much we love her for giving our girls a new cousin to play with and love! Thank you!
