Saturday, January 16, 2010

Paityn is getting bigger!

Just wanted to put up a few more pics of the Princess Paityn. I am absolutely in awe over this girl. She is so happy and content! Yesterday she only took a total of 2 hours worth of naps throughout the whole day, and then she wasn't even fussy! I can't believe it. She is even sleeping through the night most nights. If she does wake up in the night (which isn't very often), it's usually only once and then she goes right back to sleep. I think that we have the most perfect baby there is! I don't know how we got so lucky, but I'm sure glad we did!

This is our first attempt at Pig Tails! She was not thrilled. But I thought that it was pretty cute. Mark and I both laughed at how cute she is. It looks like baby antenna!

Just showing off Crazy Hair close up!

Look at those big blue eyes! I just can't get over it!

Duke, Paityn, and Dayzee hanging out! Dayzee was really
trying to get the red little fishy, but it kinda looks like
they are all just hanging out.

This is how Paityn would prefer to play, on her back,
with someone entertaining her.

This is Paityn when we first start Tummy Time.
Not doing too bad. Looking absolutely adorable.....

And this is Paityn 30 seconds into Tummy Time.
Absolutely HATES it!! Poor baby, one day she'll
figure out her arms can lift her up, and then I
think she'll like it. (the funny thing is, if we do
tummy time in view of the TV then she is fine.
That girl is addicted to TV!! That can't be good)

Paityn just looking gorgeous! She's already
starting to get "flirty eyes". I think we are in
BIG trouble!

Mommy and Paityn hanging out! We are buddies!

1 comment:

  1. Disney shows work well. The flashing colors on the TV and the music will help her focus on something during Tummy Time. Some of the irritation with TummyTime is not seeing what is going on around her. You are doing a fantastic job and I am so happy for you.
